Results of Young Geniuses
When two of the greatest geniuses of Classical Piano go head to head, with some of the greatest works from their youth (before the age of 20) will you know which one you will vote for? One was hailed as the successor to Bach and Beethoven, the other invented a new way to play the piano that is still the foundation of piano-playing today! See the results below!
Frederic Chopin, age ?
Overall Smackdown Wins
Chopin -- 3
Mendelssohn -- 3
Tie -- 1

Felix Mendlessohn, age 12

"Total Votes by Round" measures actual votes cast in all rounds, whereas "Overall Favorite" is a separate vote not based on a listener's round-by-round votes. From a round-by-round view, Mendelssohn and Chopin are perfectly tied, and this is also the case in total number of Smackdowns won. But Chopin holds a healthy lead in the "Overall Favorite" vote, which seems to testify to the impact of his persona.